"Sometimes the stars align and a band that is little known, even within Sweden, comes up with a breakout song that should get them international recognition. I think The Gun In God’s Hand could be just that song for Slowmotion Club."


"They sentenced me to death/ But didn’t tell me how to sleep/ Well at night", Anders Larsson sings like a sharp-sighted Thom Yorke in the peculiar folk-pop tune. First-rate band that keeps on spinning their filmy atmosphere on the EP The Waltzes." 


"Lead track Parliament Square is an immediate curio. /.../ As an introduction to the bands weird and wonderful way with an arrangement there could be none better. Tiny Dots is worthy of rediscovery by anyone who needs a break with convention."


"The Gun In God's Hand is, despite its dark lyrics, yet another charming and catchy pop song coming out of Sweden (how many times have I written this before?) and I guess the real surprise here is that Slowmotion Club does not come from the 'indie pop capital' Gothenburg."


"On their Myspace-page you'll find some low-voiced musical gems. Delightful arrangements with piano, guitar, some unidentifiable instruments (listen to Parliament Square!) and wonderful bright vocals – I instantly fell for Parliament Square. And let it be said: all the songs on Myspace have qualities far beyond what you can expect from a band with 2670 profile views! :)"


"So it's always a pleasant surprise to find someone or some group that proves the 'rule' and generalization wrong. Slowmotion Club is one such group. Aside from being from Lund (huh?) as opposed to Gothenburg or Stockholm, these guys sound little like most of the other Swedish pop groups you all know... At times, they sound sort of like a lo-fi Radiohead, at others, more like the Pixies gone folk or something. Everything's very serene, very acoustic and lo-fi, and very charming, if not a little too sad for me to handle more than a few songs worth of."


"Already familiar with The Gun In God's Hand, and as I really like this one, I was of course more than eager to hear what else the band has on the plate. And I wasn't disappointed with what I got. Slowmotion Club dishes out soothing oeuvres in the tradition of singer/songwriters like Jens Lekman, Damien Rice or Rufus Wainwright, but the songs spread a more positive vibe. This music is really worth an earful!"


"With a perfect mix between British chamber-pop and orchestra-pop from Scandinavia, the songs from Slowmotion Club reminds me of Puressence without the dirty guitars and also of Butcher Boy. Very beautiful and very promising."


"Slowmotion Club is the name of a Swedish trio that's so surprisingly, unexpectedly, good, that their self-released EP Tiny Dots even ambush Swedish music experts. Slowmotion Club presents sad indie-pop, the perfect musical accompaniment for the current weather- and winterconditions. It's not all wrapped in melancholy, while the Swedes gives it a witty touch – for example when they sing about Lara Croft being Mario Brother's sister. And even in a song like The Gun in God's Hand, where they flirt with morbidity, they still preserve a light-footed, poppy feel."


"Slowmotion Club sings their storytelling lyrics rather solemnly and Rufus Wainwrightish with a wide voice range, the highest notes are almost being tackled in a castrato manner. The unexpectedly named song Lara Croft is a melancholy piece, while The Swallow is more muffled and dramatic. All the songs are low-voiced and powerful at the same time."


"The parliament is on fire, God clutches a gun tight and you, my love, sleeps so sweetly tonight that you looks like an angel. This time it's not my thoughts, everything comes from Slowmotion Club – icy and cut into little pieces under a grey sky: lakes, forests and good indiepop.     Pop and refined melodies, a polished sound and the most contagious song of the week, despite the fact that its theme is rather gloomy and not cheerful at all ("The Gun In God's Hand"). A Thom Yorke on grass, Kent that abandons the deformations, Keane that decides to grow up. Somewhere within these songs you will find many interesting things.     Those who are familiar with "a certain" Sweden won't be surprised, but anyone who doesn't read our alternative column "The future can be found in the North", can start exploring an interesting world of pop through this band on MySpace. It's a world of sensitive feelings, far from complicated and inaccessible. Delicate underground… soft underground. Similar artists: Radiohead, Kent, Amandine."


"Att inleda starkt är alltid ett smart drag för att fånga någons uppmärksamhet. Tiny Dots EP är ett lysande exempel på detta. Stina Nordenstam-namnen Parliament Square är en så stark start att jag faktiskt funderar på om jag hittat ett nytt band att lyssna sönder och samman. Här hittar jag allt jag behöver i smäktande skönsång, väl formulerade krusiduller och ett klinkande piano – kanske inget nytt under solen men bra."


"Slowmotion Club er et band fra Lund. Lund ligger i Sverige – eller det troede jeg, indtil jeg hørte The Gun in God's Hand fra Slowmotion Clubs ep Tiny Dots. Jeg måtte hen og finde Skotlandskortet frem, for nummeret lød som noget, der kun kunne være lavet af en flok småromantiske skotter, sandsynligvis på den ene eller anden måde beslægtede med et eller flere medlemmer af Belle and Sebastian.     Men nej, Lund ligger i Sverige, og Slowmotion Club er ærkesvenske på trods af den aldeles skotske lyd (jo, en skotsk lyd findes, i hvert fald i mit hoved, og den lyder som cigaretter en søndag formiddag og 60'er-easy listening på vinyl). For nu at gøre det hele endnu mere forvirrende er inspirationen til nummeret Parliament Square hentet lidt sydligere på de britiske øer, nærmere betegnet i Radioheads Oxford. /…/     The Gun in God's Hand er en legesyg popsang med en fantastisk melodi, og så klart ep'ens højdepunkt. Det er ikke den mest originale popsang, der er kommet ud af Sverige – dertil er der lånt alt for meget fra Belle and Sebastian. Til gengæld rammer den en småmelankolsk stemning, der går lige i pophjertet, på så fornem vis, at sangen når op på forbilledernes niveau. /…/     I The Gun in God's Hand er det den klassiske rockopstilling med guitarerne i front og bas og trommer til at skabe drive og rytme, som Slowmotion Club benytter sig af. Det giver et dejligt dynamisk og humørfyldt lydbillede. /…/     Mage til herligt skabsskotsk popsang skal man lede længe efter.     Sorteres under: Indiepop med anglofile tendenser.     Musikalske slægtninge: Belle and Sebastian, Radiohead, Yo La Tengo."


"Det finns något väldigt härligt i att år efter år få nya inspelningar från en och samma kille. Anders Larsson från Skåne jobbar vidare med sitt Slowmotion Club och har så gjort i över fem år och han gör det uppenbarligen helt utan förhoppningar på det stora genombrottet. Han gör det för att han måste få ur sig sina låtar och jag måste säga att det hörs.     Den stillsamma, intrikata popmusik han gör på denna nya ep är innerlig, hjärtlig och väldigt personlig. Han andas samma luft som Paddy McAloon i Prefab Sprout och har möjligen ett lite för gott öga till knixiga ackordföljder för att jag alltid ska hänga med honom i allt han gör.     Men ingen, absolut ingen, kan hävda att Anders Larsson inte blivit otroligt skicklig på att få sitt Slowmotion Club att låta bra."