Slowmotion Club was formed in the autumn of 2002, although the majority of the members had been playing together in a couple of constellations before that (Rottingdean and Rudyard Rest Corner).
The Waltzes EP (2003) was an acoustic influenced release without drums, which drew attention with its melancholy appearance.
In 2003 the drummer from Rottingdean, Paul, joined SMC and the same year the band played live on radio, followed up in 2004 by another radio show - this time an extensive live-on-tape-session.
2005 meant more focus on songwriting than stage performances, but in 2006 a number of solo gigs took place, e.g. supporting Jens Lekman. In the spring of 2007 another solo show (live-on-tape on TV) was booked, and with the release of Tiny Dots EP the musical blogosphere began to embrace the band. A gig together with the British shoegazer veterans Secret Shine crowned the autumn.
2008 was the year when the current bass player Anne became part of the line-up, an event which led to an appearance on live television.
During the planning for the recording of the mini-album Ancient Files in 2009, the original guitarist Marcus decided to leave the band. But the remaining three members pushed on: the recording and initial mixing and production were completed in early 2010.
As for now (April 2012) Slowmotion Club consists of songwriter/vocalist/guitarist Anders E Larsson, drummer Paul Saarnak and bass player Anne Saarnak - the very same trio that you will meet when SMC performs live.
2008 was the year when the current bass player Anne became part of the line-up, an event which led to an appearance on live television.
During the planning for the recording of the mini-album Ancient Files in 2009, the original guitarist Marcus decided to leave the band. But the remaining three members pushed on: the recording and initial mixing and production were completed in early 2010.
As for now (April 2012) Slowmotion Club consists of songwriter/vocalist/guitarist Anders E Larsson, drummer Paul Saarnak and bass player Anne Saarnak - the very same trio that you will meet when SMC performs live.